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Proverbs 7:1–3

My son, keep my words,

And lay up my commandments with thee.

Keep my commandments, and live;

And my law as the apple of thine eye.

Bind them upon thy fingers,

Write them upon the table of thine heart.

As a homeschooling family with six children, pastoring a small country church, and working a side business we had similar challenges as other busy families in the ministry. We saw a need to be more efficient with balancing our time, our resources, and to be intentional in our walk with the Lord while equipping our church family to thrive spiritually. 


Ministering in a rural church we quickly discovered we couldn't provide every type of children's ministry program that larger churches would have. We also valued having a family integrated model in church, but saw the need to help the children stay engaged with the message of God's word. We tried print outs for the kids to take notes, but the notes would often be left behind, end up in the trash, and forgotten. Our desire was to see the kids' sermon notes retained as a treasure and prompt family discussions about the message at home. We started designing and publishing sermon note journals for children and adults to give away at our church. They loved it! Children are now more engaged with the messages and remember to take their journals back home, ask mom and dad questions they wrote down, and parents can see what their children learned from the preaching.


A vision developed to serve other families and churches by producing valuable content to help enrich their lives spiritually and in practical day to day life. We started with the sermon note journals to launch our family business Christian Journals for the purpose of Engaging the Heart with the Word. In expanding our offerings we've been adding journals for daily Bible reading, studying the Bible expositionally, prayer journals, personal journals, homeschool planners, hiking the outdoors, and others to come. 


Your support helps us as a family to focus our efforts primarily on the ministry. 10% of the profits goes to local church missions. We also run promotions periodically where we will set aside a percentage of the profits for specific global missions causes. Be sure to sign up for our newsletter to be alerted whenever we have newly released publications,  promotions, and about what mission projects you've been able to support through your purchases!         


Jason & Jaimee Saling

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Christian Journals

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Napavine, WA 98565

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